In Havana there are a large number of parks that adorn the city, very pleasant outdoor spaces surrounded by vegetation that allow us to have a space to relax and be more in touch with the natural environment. One of the best known parks located in one of the most central areas of the city is the Parque de la Fraternidad Americana, a large space surrounded by historic and distinctive buildings.


The park is surrounded by several cobblestone paths that lead to the centre, has large lampposts and beautiful gardens with leafy trees. Every day people of all ages walk along the pavements, some take time to rest on the benches in the shade of the trees, others talk animatedly about sports, the news of the day or about politics, a topic that has become a recurring one in conversations among Cubans lately.




All the paths in the park lead to the centre, where a majestic Ceiba tree stands, which was planted as a representation of Friendship between the peoples of Latin America. The ceiba is a tree respected in various Latin American cultures, which is why it was chosen as a symbol of union and fraternity between nations. When the ceiba was planted for the first time, soil belonging to different countries of America was placed around it.




A curiosity that I loved to know about this site is that it witnessed the first hot air balloon flight in Cuba by the intrepid Portuguese Matias Perez, known not only for having conquered the heights but also for the fact that he got lost in them and never returned. Although this, his first attempt at the Parque de la Fraternidad failed and a few days later he successfully made what was to be his last flight.

This park also offers stunning views of the surrounding area. Here you can see the Capitol with its golden dome glittering under the sun's rays and offering an impressive visual spectacle. This is a building that with its marvellous architecture always reminds us of Havana's rich historical and cultural heritage.



Another of my favourite views from here is of the entrance to Chinatown, which is a short distance away. This is a simple, quirky construction that adds a touch of difference and diversity to the cityscape.



In another of the streets surrounding the park is the Indian Fountain, and behind it the Saratoga Hotel, but I don't like to take pictures of that area because a few years ago there was an unfortunate accident at the Hotel where several people lost their lives, and what was once a beautiful space now looks desolate and sad, that's the feeling I always get.

The Parque de la Fraternidad is more than just an urban space, it is also a reflection of the life and history of the city. A beautiful place to appreciate the beauty of the surroundings, and to enjoy the panoramic views of one of the most beautiful and visited areas.


I hope you enjoyed this tour and the beautiful scenery. Cheers and until the next time!



I share with you this page from the Wikipedia site to learn more about the place.

Original content by the author. ยฉ 2024 @jordy0827. All rights reserved.

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