Hello travelers,

A couple of days ago, my wife received a message on Whatsapp about an original mural whose central themes are macaws, araguaney and sunflowers, at the entrance to a neighborhood near the central part of the tourist town of Hatillo.

The macaw is a very beautiful bird native to South America. In my country, its natural habitat is in a region belonging to the great Amazon. However, over the years the indiscriminate exploitation of the species has extended its dispersion to other latitudes. For example, it was difficult to see in my youth the macaws furrowing the sky of the city of Caracas, now it is customary to see them fly as a couple and even as a group emitting their characteristic sounds. These birds are really beautiful.

I thought, a beautiful reason to make an artistic work to decorate the spaces of a city.The interesting thing about this work in the open is in the underlying message in the materials used: recycled plastic covers, and how they were placed on the wall of an area that until recently was a garbage dump.

Still the mural is about to be finished, as well as the small square in one of the corners of the avenue that leads to one of the areas of the Lagunita Country Club and its goal fields.

It is amazing how they have recovered the place.

The author, a young painter of 23 years, Oscar Olivares, who with the support of a local environmental organization called OkoSpiri and the movement in architecture for the future, is about to finish the "Okomural", I guess an acronym in honor to the sponsors, who say that it is unique in Venezuela and is among the pioneers of Latin America. After seeing it with my own eyes and touching it, I don't doubt it.

The work in a totally ecological artistic proposal, by using many plastic bottle caps, is a call to recycle materials that without control would harm nature.

Two hundred thousand plastic packaging caps of various products, I think there were many pieces to classify by colors, a lot of work in cutting them to adapt them to the design and thus give the feeling that the beautiful birds seem alive in the panoramic. Truly a whole feat, without considering the community work for the collection of the same materials.

The town of Hatillo has many tourist attractions, good food, shops selling handicrafts that cover all the indigenous cultural manifestations of the country and now this mural, which will surely not only delight the tourist who visits it in the future, but also, will give a testimony to commit ourselves to the care of nature.

I hope you like this report and enjoyed it as much as I do.

See you soon.


Camera: Canon PowerShot A590 IS

Category: Urban art

Location / Date: El Hatillo - Venezuela / Feb , 5, 2020

Setting: Automatic

Edition: No

Photographer: @janaveda