
Hello, fellow Lakwatsero(Travelers) in Hive. For today's blog Im excited to share with you what I discovered last August 11, 2024. It is my first solo ride exploring the new place I live right now. It's a bit scary but glad I did it.


Come join me on this exploration!

It was one Sunday in August and Im bored facing my laptop and staying at Home for some errands. It is already 3:30 pm and I decided to take some fresh air and have a good view of Nature. Six months ago when I relocated to Lipa Batangas for my work and so far I haven't explored it yet thoroughly due to some transmission and work adjustments.


I just got my driver's license recently and bought my new partner(motorcycle) for traveling. Im afraid to ride and explore the roads of Batangas alone cause Im not familiar with it at first. But on August 11, I just kept this fair in my pocket and let my wanderer self overcome it.



That afternoon I searched online nearby Lipa which has a nice spot for sunset and good roads for rides. A lot of places are suggested on search engines but this Balete Baywalk enticed me to discover it.





So I hurried up prepared my things, license, and permits, and brought my power bank and of course my phone for capturing this place. It was 4:00 pm when I left the house. Travel time to my target destination was 30 minutes from my place, but I drove slowly cause it was my first time in this place.


It was quarter five when I arrived at the proper of Balete. This beautiful spot is my first stop, I thought it was the Balete Baywalk already, then lately I realized that It is not the same spot in the photos I found. So I checked on the map and yeah, this is not the Balete Baywalk. Though it has an amazing lake View already.




Taken from Captured Video.

So, I drive ten minutes to reach the exact location of the baywalk. The way going to Baywalk is a bit narrow, though private cars can enter it is a hassle, and need to wait for the opposite car to pass by.

I never expected the crowd at this place, I thought few people had discovered this but a lot of tourists, locals, and from other places visited this spot at that time.



This is What I Found

Look how beautiful it is, the calm water and the refreshing view of Taal Lake and Volcano. This baywalk is located along the shoreline of Taal Lake. It highlights closely the majestic Taal Volcano .



If you are nearby looking for a place to stress out and want to relax near the water, this place is perfect for you. One thing that makes you love this place is the Sunset.

The hue of the sunset of this place is quite unique, it is not the same as the sunsets I experience on the beach. The shade is fascinating and makes you more in love with the place.





If you are looking for snacks and drinks, there are a few mobile stores and coffee shops set up in the bay, that offers food and refreshments for you. You will surely enjoy taking your snack while facing this magical view.





Craving Satisfied

This tranquil place is what I wanted that day, It gives me a new perspective and it also recharges my life energy. I'm glad I continue to explore it. This is new in my eyes and I will definitely be saved it in my core. I stayed there until dark, I spent most of my time looking at this view while I was also enjoying my iced Coffee.




How to Reach this Place?


If you want to visit this place and use a means of public transport, from Manila, you can ride a bus from Buendia to SM Lipa, It will take you 1 hour and 20 minutes. It will only cost you 180 pesos of the fare. Then there are public vehicles going to Balete that you can ride on. You can use a jeep or Motorcycle. The cost will depend on your agreement. then from the proper of Balete, just inform the driver that you will be going to the Baywalk of Balete. They will guide you the way.

You can also use your private vehicle and motorcycle just like what I did. Just follow the map going to the exact location.



Travel Tips

  • The place is open to the public, with no entrance fee.

  • Before Visiting always check the Phivolcs update about taal, remember this is an active Volcano.

  • The best time to visit is the morning and afternoon to experience the golden time around the lake.

  • Be a responsible traveler and respect the rules of the place and nature.




That's it for this blog in my #LakwatsaniIntoy Diary 062. Hoping you also discover a new place to explore on this blog. Thank you for joining me on this ride.

This is @intoy.bugoy! See you in my next Hiventure 😉


Intoy Bugoy

Not so tall, not so dark, not so handsome but surely I'm a CUTE one 😊.Your Civil Engineer, Real Estate Agent and Financial Adviser. I'm into Travel's and Photography. Knowing the culture of one place is my interest. Come and join me in discovering this infinite beautiful world following all my #LakwatsaniIntoy diaries (MyTravelstories).

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