In my previous @travelfeed post I shared about the trip to the holy piligram Tirumala Tirupati. In this I am gonna share about what I have done and where I have gone.
Next day on 26th , we came down from the hills of Tirumala to visit the Alimelu mangapuram which is also called as tiruchanur which is around 15 km.
You can go by RTC bus which charges around only Rs 65 which is super cheap and suggest you to avoid pravite travels. RTC busses are very safe.
Here the wife of Lord Srinivasa resides. She is worshipped as goddess of gold and money. There is a short story behind the temple.
Legend goes as, Lord venkateswara have married twice. Godess Lakshmi Devi is his first wife. So when he married second time with out consent of first wife, she became angry with him and gone away from the seven hills he resides.
She came down from the venkateswara temple from and stayed in Alivelu mangapuram. So it's really like a rule such that who ever visit the venkateswara temple must also visit Alimelu mangapuram.
After completing the huge task of climbing 3550 steps, we have slept very lately. So next day we wake up around 8'o clock and got ready. We ate the tasty "prasadam" (food offered to the god) Sambar rice.
In tirupathi, mostly devotees don't need to spend high amount for food. Near temple at any corner Temple trust provides the Prasad mostly till midnight.
We reached the Alimelu mangapuram at around the 12'0 clock in afternoon. We bought quick line tickets around Rs.20 per each person. It only took 1 hour for "darshanam"( appearance) of godess Lakshmi Devi.
My heart filled with love and satisfaction as I am able to visit both important and holiest temples in Hindu culture with out any hustle.
It's really went smooth. The mobile and other electronic items are not allowed inside the temple. So the authorities provide free lockers for keep them with safety. You can collect them once you can complete the darshanam.
The temple is very huge and here Food for devotees is continuously offered as breakfast and lunch. As already we had heavy breakfast, we couldn't had the lunch at temple. Soeave there to visit another place called Govinda ranula temple. I will share details about that place in next post.