Thailand is famous for different things to different people. For me is it is a lot of things including sex industry and nightlife. People said that in the old time, it was wilder and kinda all over the place. But now, when the goverment shows their effort to have better management on this matter, the sex industry is sanitised and concentrated in a few places only to be remained as a kind of tourism attraction.

Besides Bangkok, Phukhet - two big spots of sexual acitivities in the country, Pattaya with Walking street also stands out for being a well known redlight district that draws so many tourists to come from all over the world.

Speaking of Walking street, you’ll see divide of opinion that there are people think differently about this spot. Some believe here is the place that can’t be missed in Pattaya but there also someone thinks otherwise that this place is suck and not even worth a try.

The divide is resulted from the different taste of people about the adult entertainment style of Thailand, which is obviously wilder, stranger, crazier than any where else in the world.

The street wakes up after the sunset.

The best time to visit Walking Street is around 10pm to 3am. It is totally deserted in the daytime as people need to rest and spend time to clean it up all the mess of the night before, then be ready again for other rowdy parties to come.

This empty look will turn to light, sound and chaos that you cant not even imagine. Feel like it is a ghost town become totally alive once the sun goes down. The street with only a mile long will be full with thousand people walking around: girls, ladyboys, prostitutes, and mostly tourists... As the name tells, Walking street, you are totally free to take a stroll down and enjoy the vibe as the traffic is prohibited in this place.

There are so much going on at night with every kind of things that a party goer gonna wish for, like beer bars, go go bars, pingpong shows, strip clubs, ... The variety of entertainment will be to the point that you may don’t even know what and where to start.

A sex industry with transgender - A sight to be seen

For people that come here for the first time or never experienced any kind of redlight district before, it could be a culture shock to see how public, obvious and exposed the sex industry is here.

One of the unique things of adult entertainment industry in Thailand generally and Pattaya particularly is the transgender acceptance. Strolling down on this Walking street, I feel like the scene here is a live movie or even a zoo sometimes. The attendance of transgender in it make it more alive and interesting to watch.

Actually I enjoy watching transgender prostitutes and stripper, on the street when they try to lure customers in, and in the bar, when they show their professional skills. As what their nature is supposed to be, the transgender is always more impetuos, they are also more confident in doing their job than “normal” female.

Some men come here for Russian girls but if I were a man, I definitely go for the transgender to have fun. I talked to some transgenders in the bar before and they’re all funny as hell. I kinda admire their beauty and understand what they’ve gone through to be in that shape. Really sad to admit that they all are taller, prettier, hotter and sexier than me.

Man paradise

The place is always overcrowded with tourists as they come to see and experience the specialty of Pattaya. There are mostly Indian, Chinese and old Westerner.

It is loud, wild and absolutely a paradise for man and party goer. With numerous strip clubs and go go bars, it will be much easier to pick a girl to hook up.

Walking down the street, you will see girls standing infront of their bar cosplaying all kind of sexual character, trying to pique your interest, there are also men along the way showing you with naughty photos and offering you all kind of sex experience to arouse your curiosity. It’s hard for you to ignore them all but if you dont feel interested, just keep walking through. There are still a lot of good places is down the street.

The combination of the loud music with strong beat and sexy girls in the skimpy outfit will be likely to break all the men down, especially some drunk ones. The prostitute and tripper here are so good at seducing man. I know that is their job and they do it with their professionalism but I still can’t help feeling sorry for those young girls with old Westerners.

What do I go for in this place?

Bar, club, drinks are definitely not my cup of tea but for me, this Walking street is still worth a visit. I really enjoy the vibe and want to chill out here at late night since I cant find any place like this in Vietnam.

Took a songthaew - the most popular transport for tourist here to go to Walking Street. Maximum is THB20 each. Better price if go with big group.
Took a songthaew - the most popular transport for tourist here to go to Walking Street. Maximum is THB20 each. Better price if go with big group.

This is second time I’ve been here. First with my parents and second with my friends. I also visited place like this in Bangkok i.e Soi Cowboy a few times. So I’m no stranger to it.

People may think that this place is for man only and we girls have nothing to do with it. Yes. It is paradise for men where their all dream come true and fantasies fullfiled but it also an eye opener for girls like us.

There are not only gogo bar and strip club but also some good pub for live music and nice drink, and also restaurant and street foods. I come here for the vibe and stay for the food, as usual. Haha.

Foodie heaven is located deeper in the small alley
Foodie heaven is located deeper in the small alley

Most part of this walking street is occupied by sexual activities but if you go deeper to the smaller alleys along the way, you will find the most amazing place for food in town.

While the man out there are seduced for sex, we are here tempted for insane Thai street food. Look at us, you will know how good it is.


As most of tourism attraction, everything here is overprice. Beer is also pricey. So try to come here earlier to get better price in the golden hour. However, it is not much to enjoy when the night is still young. The later at night, the wilder it gets.

If you don’t really have a thing for drinks, bars and clubs but just enjoy walking around like me, you should try to ignore all tempting things they offer to you along the way, even though they say it is free. Keep walking through. In this kind of tourism place, it can end up to be anything but free, as what I experienced in Pattay Floating Market (

It is probably better to be a bit tipsy while hanging around in this place. But don’t be drunk and lose your control on things. It may lead you to something dangerous. For the place involved adult entertainment services, it will always be more chaotic and complicated. You should be aware of scam, rip off, pickpocketing and criminal around. Although Pattaya Walking Street is considered as a safe one, you can’t be too careful.

I think this place will be so fun to go with your friends or even with your family but keep in mind to leave the kid at home. You can come here with anyone but kid. It is too much for those innocent mind. :D. If you come here with your boyfriend or your husband, don’t be a jealous girlfriend. As long as your partner doesn’t cross the line, be open-minded and have fun.

Although there is divide of opinion about this place, If you are in town, come to see yourself. It is worth a visit to experience the sex culture and nightlife in this Walking Street as it is seen as the most active redlight district of Thailand. It is good place to spend a night no matter who or what type you are. If you are party goer, it is definitely a right place for you. If you are like me, it still good to go once, at least you can try amazing food.

📍Pattaya Walking Street