Almost all the people visiting Antigua come here to do a volcano hike. If you're regular here you might have guessed that I didn't join the hype. I have some reasons for that though.

Firstly it is the rainy season and I have literary one pair of skate shoes and fake crocks... That on its own wouldn't be that bad if the hike wouldn't cost around seventy dollars depending on the provider. Participants need to reach a base camp on first day and finish the tour in the next morning. Don't take me wrong it is most likely good socializing event, but when I hike I like to do it alone.

Another point is that some of the tourists here have such a busy program they have no time to discover Antigua properly. Sure it is a small city, but I have decided to spent three days here to recharge myself after a stressful flight from Costa Rica and Guatemala City. Cheap hostel and walkable distance to all the life's necessities had priority at the moment.

I did my own research and find that there is a decent hike with plenty of views right from the city center.

There is an official pathway or should I say stairs to the hill baring a cross and the best view over the city. I didn't took that of course. Instead for some reason unknown to me I have decided to walk up through a forest trail. Stray dogs and "shanty town" looking area led me to my path up the hill. There I was alone. Exactly what I wanted. At least for a while until I've reached the cross.

It was still early in the morning but the scene was already quite busy. It is at the end a busy tourist town...

Took some pictures and immediately thought of hiking the most visible volcano myself the next day. To my luck I have shared my plans with others and was sharply warned! "Do nit go there man, that is a total no go zone." was immediate response. Some people got almost killed with machete maybe a month age they said...

Well that was a decent reason not to go. I was even asking at the bus station for my connection and was wandering why all the locals look at me like I have fallen from the sky.

The trail continued up the hill and further into what later looked like a fancy villas neighborhood. But first came a statue of Santiago de los Caballeros which in fact used to be the name of the city until renamed Antigua Guatemala.

I have turned around and headed back to the city at a point of dead end street where barking dogs spoiled my adventurous mood and I gave up on climbing higher not being sure where the road leads to anyways.

It is advisable not to venture out into wild on your own in this country of "bandidos". I still haven't seen any, but don't have to push my luck to the extremes...

Back in the city I did some usual sightseeing and shopping in the local market.

Bought myself a proper raincoat finally, should I become stranded in unexpected rainfall which can surely come without warning at this time of a year. My next plan is to venture further to the mountains and visit some very scenic lake, which should be quite a highlight of what Guatemala has to offer.

All the best,

Global Local