The perfect location to get a glimpse of how living used to be a long time ago, for some of the richest people of the country, placed at the foothills of some incredible mountains - Cantacuzino Castle


Cantacuzino Castle dates since 1911 when the building was finished by the architect GrigoreCerchez who was serving the prince Gheorghe Grigore Cantacuzino.
The castle is located in one of the most visited Romanian cities with a scenic and unique view to the mountains, on the street with the same name of the castle, and before becoming an important historical monument, it was just a home place for the royal Cantacuzino family.
Unfortunately, the castle was owned by Cantacuzino for only 37 years because, after the forced nationalization from 1948 this one turned into a sanatorium which nowadays shelters a museum.
The fascinating monument covers an impressive surface and it's being composed of four alternative buildings as it follows:

  • The Main Pavilion (3.148,02 m2);
  • The Official Pavilion (403,80 m2);
  • The Administrative Villa (114,41 m2);
  • The Chapel.

The Main Pavilion represents the place where is located the original collection of the Cantacuzino's heraldry, but also portraits to the members of the royal family.

During the time when the castle was a sanatorium, the walls were evenly painted, but after a while, the retrocession brought lots of renovations to the monument who took advantage of stained glasses, wooden railings, white fireplaces and even mosaic objects.
The architecture of the castle is uncommon for the usual designs we find on Romania's precious monuments, but this represents the reflection of the ambitious owner who was the richest man of the country, in the century 20th.
Gheorghe GrigoreCantacuzino who was also known as Nababul (a French term that describes extremely wealthy people), started the construction of his temple in 1901 on a location that represents one of the most beautiful places from Romania, location which served to a former hunting chalet that has been used by the royal family for centuries.


Not randomly placed on the foothills of Zamora Mountain, Cantacuzino Castle was located pretty close to the summer royal residence of the family, both of the buildings offering a grandiose view to the Bucegi Mountains.

Cantacuzino Castle represents one of the last pieces of legacy since Romania used to be a fast modernizing young kingdom, a place that offers one of those few moments when you get a glimpse of how life was back then for some of the most wealthy and prestigious families who lived in this country.
The entire building is surrounded by a huge park that leads to a waterfall grotto and artisanal fountains, very spectacular for every tourist who shares the love for both nature and historical monuments.
For more historical memories about the Cantacuzino family's life, there are two more castles which were built by these, one of them in Bucharest known as Cantacuzino Palace or the place which is being home for the National Museum "George Enescu", and the 3rd one - The Little Trianon from Florești, which unfortunately turned in ruins.


Through the many things you can discover while on a walk around the castle, there are going to get your attention caught by lots of medieval objects and statues, each one of them with a unique story.


Some of them might not last forever since Cantacuzino Castle is known as a location that shelters plenty of expositions and events of different themes, so whenever you visit it, you will have the great pleasure to discover something in plus that what I did.

Like all the mountains resorts from this part of Romania, Cantacuzino Castle is also preferred as a popular holiday destination by lots of tourists, for an elegant and memorable experience with panoramic landscapes to the mountains.
The castle is also very popular for its swings which represent the main attraction for both the little ones but for their parents too, who can't step back from spending some minutes in one of these and admire the view.
In plus, the castle is equipped with a restaurant and some terraces that will take your breath away with both the tasty traditional food but also the view you will have while eating.


Another interesting aspect of the castle that way too little people know and share the information is that the prince wanted to have the courtyard and the roof of the palace paved with gold coins that will be placed in a different way than the classical one, so there will be displayed as many as possible.


The castle can be visited daily and there is a little fee you need to pay at the entrance even if you won't visit the interior of the monument but just the surroundings of it:

  • Monday: 10 AM - 6 PM;
  • Tuesday: 10 AM - 6 PM;
  • Wednesday: 10 AM - 6 PM;
  • Thursday: 10 AM - 6 PM;
  • Friday: 10 AM - 6 PM;
  • Saturday: 10 AM - 7 PM;
  • Sunday: 10 AM - 6 PM

Cantacuzino Castle is located in Bușteni, at the address Street Zamora 1, Bușteni 105500, and it can be very easily reached either by train as it is on just 15 mins away of walking, or with a car since there is a parking lot right at the castle.




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