周末去离家约二十多分钟车程的Duke Farms踏青。Duke Farms 坐落于新泽西州北中部小镇Hillsboroug。
We went to Duke Farm which is about 20 minutes away from our house this weekend. It is located in Hillsboroug, a small town in the North Central region of New Jersey.
In the city where the population and industrial facilities are now dense, there are 2,700 acres (about 11 square kilometers) covered by forest lake pastures, and the preserved intact ecological land is a precious treasure. In addition to the rental of bicycles in the park (two hours for five dollars), the rest are free to everyong (vehicles are not allowed in the park).
We set off around 11 o'clock and arrived at the destination in about 20 minutes. There is a lot of parking space, parking is very convenient, you can see the visitor center when you get off.
游客中心非常现代化,各种电子视听设备齐全,运用多种手段,尤其是让孩子喜闻乐见的方式,全面介绍关于生态、环境的知识。 如果有空闲的话,不妨逛一下,看看各种图书标本,看看关于农场介绍的影片。我们这次比较匆忙,所以就拿了农场的地图就走了。这里强调一下,地图很重要,不然农场很大,容易迷路。这里还有工作人员在服务台,如果有关于游览车,自行车租借等各种问题可以咨询。
The visitor center is very modern, equipped with a variety of electronic equipments, especially for children to enjoy the knowledge of ecology and the environment. If you have free time, why not take a stroll and check out the various book specimens to see the film about the farm introduction.
We were in a hurry this time, so we took the map of the farm and left the visitor center. I have to point out that the map is very important! The farm is YUGE and easy to get lost. There are also staff at the service desk. If you have any questions about the buses, bicycle rentals, etc., you can always ask.
Walking out of the visitor center and follow the signs to start the tour. Going along the road, you will first pass the bus station. There is a bus schedule at the station. If you want to take the tour bus, please take note of the schedule. If you are tired, you can take the return tour bus in the park.
Enter the park and first see a small waterfall. Very beautiful, this scene is also on the cover page of the map. Going inside, it’s full of green.
Walking in the lush woods and breathing the fresh air is really comfortable. And there are no motor vehicles here, and children can run on the road. Of course, be careful of the bicycles that pass by. When we went there, there were almost no bicycles, so we let David to walk freely on the road.
从入口处,大约行走5分钟,就会看到Hay Barn。这是早年的干草谷仓,在一场大火之后由多丽丝·杜克改造成为一座露天博物馆,沿四周墙边陈列多件早年从欧洲订制的大理石人物雕像,如今都已是逾百年历史的艺术品了。
From the entrance, walk for about 5 minutes and you will see Hay Barn. This is the old hay barn, which was transformed into an open-air museum by Doris Duke after a fire. Along the walls, many pieces of marble figures custom-made from Europe were displayed. It is now more than 100 years old artwork.
走出Hay Barn,沿着高大的树木散步10分钟左右,就可以到达兰花馆了Orchid Range。
Step out of Hay Barn and walk along the tall trees for about 10 minutes to reach the Orchid Range.
Walking into the orchid Range, bursts of orchids scented. Then all kinds of orchids are in front of you, beautiful. It is said that Doris was intoxicated with orchids during her lifetime and spared no effort in the cultivation of orchids. At the peak, there were as many as 1,500 species of orchids. Although the size of the orchid Range in the farm is no longer the same, it is still rare in the world, making it one of the most attractive attractions. We don't know orchids very well, so we just walked around in the range. In the magnificent flower house, from time to time, water spray, moist air, nourish tropical plants; all kinds of orchids and pans are open to the public, so it is beautiful.
Walking out of the Orchid Pavilion, we discovered that we entered from the side door and went out at the main entrance. At the main entrance, there are two statues of beasts and beauties. I don't know if it is also a statue of a hundred years.
看看地图,下一站是Coach Barn,老婆问旁边的我,Coach Barn是干什么的。我说,卖Coach的!
Continue along the road, all kinds of green plants.
Look at the map, the next stop is Coach Barn, my wife asked me, what's Coach Barn for?
I said it's for selling Coach products(the luxury brand)
To be continue...
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://ericet.vornix.blog/2018/12/23/duke%e8%8a%b1%e5%9b%ad%e4%b8%80%e6%b8%b81-trip-to-duke-farm-nj1/