After a long time comes the continuation of the trip to the flower fair
In this part, there are quite a lot of types of tuberous seedlings .

A short break in the bar and continue sightseeing .

a little further from the bar, hats are displayed on a stand ,

Here is me in the mirror.

An old example of a table with a washing plate in which hot water is placed and decoratively interesting

Under the plate there is a blue pitcher in which hot water was transferred and overflowed the upper plate so that it could be washed with hot water .

There are cactus stands,

Some interesting Bonsai trees .

some prickly cacti

Some normal flowers .

Now some equipment for work .

Seedlings and seeds of various flowers .
I think this part is more for eating because it looks like dry dehydrated food, plant fruits .

Various seedlings .

The only insect I saw appeared on the label of the plant and I found it very interesting .

As the insect moves away, the end of this second part of this adventure is approaching .

As he said, such a big fair is difficult to describe in ten photos .

This is the reason to continue and see what other interesting things this great fair in Pordenone contained .

Tu be continued .