What makes them different is their ability to keep on moving forward beyond their fear because of their enormous willpower.
I've read tons of books like these and almost every one of them have affected me in a positive way and all of them have inspired me to try new things, to think outside the box, to be more adventurous and to believe that "you can when you think you can" .
I started walking and running barefoot or on five-toes a lot after I read “Born to run”, I became to dream of visiting The Himalayas. after reading “Into Thin Air” and the biographies of Bear Grylls and Scott Jurec, I completely changed my understanding of our physical and mental boundaries, it made me push myself to go for more (at least for a while before the effect start to fade away :D)
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Grylls
I remember that I read in his book “Mud, Sweat, and Tears”, that while training in the army they were not allowed to get closer to a pathway than several meters away. That sounds really cool, however, I've never tried that in long distances... until recently.
My desire wasn't to leave any trail, but to explore different view points (as always), but I did a great trek (Bear Grylls style), and explored my favorite mountain in a new way.
Now is not the most suitable time to go almost anywhere higher than 2000m into the mountains, (that's where the snow boundary is at the moment), because the snow is melting intensively, it is very soft, so your feet may sink quite deeply and it is dangerous, because you can break a foot or ankle easily. That seemed to put an end to every interesting possible option that I had for a trek but as I've shared before, I have something like a high altitude addiction and I feel better if I take care of it at least once a week.
Without further ado, I woke up one day knowing that it was time.
I am not kidding about this, I know of a lot more people that also feel like that, who tend to climb peaks when they need to clear their mind. I can feel pretty lazy and not want to go anywhere but I just somehow I feel that I must do it, It's like the mountain itself is calling me :).
Then I saw her. She was standing still for super long time, as if she was waiting for me to take a picture. They usually manage to run away before I even touch my pocket.
Up on the ridge it was like that and the trek became all about beauty again... I was looking these mountains and wanting so much to be somewhere there on these snow fields but I couldn't. I envy the mountain goats a lot, when I have a view like that I become like a crazy hypnotized fanatic who just had to walk on their direction. I decided to at least go as close to them as I could, so at first I started walking on the ridge in that direction. Walking without a pathway and sneaking through the shrubs was ok, the snow fields that I reached soon were not steady enough so I came back slightly disappointed.
Soon I figured out another way. I was going to get down to the valley and to climb back to that little hill in the middle of the photo.
So I did.. Thinking about Bear Grylls made me feel like an adventurer.
It is so much different than walking on a pathway. I thought that I would see more wild animals, but nothing greater than a slithery snake that snapped on me and made me scream just to quickly disappear before I could take a picture of it.
The next part was an almost vertical slope where I had to incorporate my climbing skills. It was great, I love climbing, and tried not to pay much attention to the fact that I am holding to completely unstable stones and that there was a real chance of falling together with them in the river.
After crossing it and climbing the slope, coming back wasn't an option anymore, so I had to find the path. According to maps.me(which is an AMAZING app, that had saved me many times in many different places, including in The Alps), it was close. The same lake, that I wanted to visit before I changed my direction was close too, but I was so tired of walking in the soft snow that I thought to skip it and just go back when I find the path.
It wasn't close at all, but finally I found it.
And luckily I didn't skip the lake! It would a great miss if I did. It was just gorgeous!!! I had been here so many times before, but it was completely different.
Thank you for stopping by!