Usually, I spend my Saturdays at home resting or watching movies online. It's a great way to recharge for my busy workdays and catch up on much-needed sleep, especially since my weekdays are often too hectic to rest well. This routine has been beneficial for my overall health over the past few months.

However, this Saturday, I decided to break away from my usual routine. I visited Gardens by the Bay for a tour and to practice my photography skills. It was a refreshing change and a fantastic motivation to contribute to my map on the Worldmappin website.

I ventured there after lunch, right in the heat of the day, which might not have been the wisest choice. Despite the scorching weather, there was a silver lining: the place was nearly empty. A few adventurous souls, like me, braved the sunshine for an unforgettable experience. It was worth it, as I captured countless pictures of the landmarks with hardly any crowds.

My quest began as I stepped out of the MRT station and strolled down a long passage that led me directly to the gardens.

From the exit, I was welcomed by the beautiful sight of the fishpond, and in the background were the Supergrove trees which I showcase later in the post.

On the right, a walkway beckoned me toward the Dragonfly Lake. While there were no dragonflies flitting about, I was greeted by massive metal sculptures resembling dragonflies hovering above the serene waters.

As I walk along the walkways, the familiar silhouette of the Marina Bay Sands looks amazing and I can't help but notice so, I took photos of it.

The view of the Sands building felt eerie, almost like an alien spaceship looming in the background. Its futuristic design added to the surreal atmosphere.

Returning to the Dragonfly Lake, I decided to take a closer look.

In this photo, it might appear that the Supertree Grove is just behind the tree line, but it's not. These towering structures are so tall that you can see them from a mile away.

I continued my walk along the boardwalk until I reached the bridge that leads to Supertree Grove.

The bridge, made of steel, looked incredibly sturdy. At least, that's what I thought until I went up and walked along it. It started shaking, and I could feel the movement beneath my feet. It was dizzying at first, but after a few minutes, I got the hang of it.

While I was in the middle of the bridge, I was amazed by the views that I saw and so I stayed for a while to take these shots.

I realized that the fountains in several areas of the lake were there to spray mist around, cooling the surroundings. This method makes the lake area much cooler than any other part of the garden. The fountains also add to the stunning visual appeal of the lake, making it even more exciting to look at.

On the bridge, I'm able to see the Sands building and it looks nice from where I stand.

After navigating a series of walkways, I finally reached the spot where I could see the Supertrees up close and in stunning detail. From this vantage point, their tops peeked majestically above the leaves of the trees in front of me.

I finally made it to the exact location of the Supertrees!

Upon closer inspection, I'm convinced that these Supertrees are true architectural and technological marvels. Their design surpasses anything I've known about vertical garden walls. Beyond the grand scale of the structure, the intricate shape of the top and crown is meticulously crafted. They look absolutely stunning! The closer I get and as I look up at them, I feel smaller in their presence. It's almost as if they are leaning toward me, and at times, it makes me feel a bit dizzy.

In conclusion, breaking away from my usual Saturday routine to explore Gardens by the Bay was a refreshing and exhilarating experience. The adventure allowed me to practice my photography skills and capture the stunning beauty of the Supertrees and other landmarks without the usual crowds. It was a memorable day that not only added to my Worldmappin contributions but also reminded me of the joy and inspiration found in stepping out of my comfort zone.

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