During my time travelling I have become more and more interested in the weird and wacky, and also anything that has been abandoned as it often has a rich story to tell (and often some great graffiti!). One such place we visited was Hara Allveelavade Sadam, a.k.a Hara Submarine Base in Estonia - located about one hours drive from the Estonian capital of Tallinn.

Hara Submarine Base
Hara Submarine Base

This place certainly wasnt a touristy place (we only saw one or two other groups while we were there), and was even a bit hard to find where to enter and park. If you are driving you will come to a sign that says private property, but also parking in 800m, so just follow that. Entry is 5 euro per person.

Former Soviet Submarine Base
Former Soviet Submarine Base

The story behind the Hara Submarine Base is that it was built in the late 50s by the soviets as a place to rest submarines and also demagnetize them - this makes them less likely to be found by ships who had radars, and thus better for spying! This place was strictly off limits during the Soviet rule, and something that I feel alot of locals didnt know even existed (and some probably still dont know about it).

Some awesome graffiti
Some awesome graffiti

As the story goes, after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 Hara Submarine Base was abandoned and left as it was. Those who left took any valuable metals they could find, along with anything else that might be valuable and left. For many years it sat abandoned with barely any attention, and still off limits. However, as with most things abandoned it started to draw attention by thrill seekers and adventure tourists.


Once you are there you basically have free reign to explore the abandoned buildings, and check out all of the great graffiti around. Remember that this place is in disrepair, and it could be pretty easy to trip and fall and hurt yourself. All the windows are obviously no longer there so you can climb through and explore all of the buildings easily.

A view from the inside
A view from the inside

It is quite an eerie place, and interesting to imagine what went on here. It would have once been a top secret submarine base bustling with activity. Although it is abandoned and now attracts tourists it was not busy and so easy to get a good view of what might have gone on here.

A step back in time!
A step back in time!

The state of disrepair just goes to show how quickly things can deteriorate when they are not looked after. The Soviets must have really been in a hurry to get out of here!

More interesting art work
More interesting art work

If you are anything like me and a sucker for street art and graffiti then you will love Hara Submarine Base. The combination of the graffiti and the history of this place give it a unique and truly interesting experience.

If this type of thing interests you then it is worth a day trip from Tallinn.

All photos taken by me!