A few kilometers from the capital of Andalusia is the city of Córdoba, a city of 325,000 inhabitants that is very easy to fall in love with while walking through its streets full of history.

Like many cities of the Iberian Peninsula, the city of Córdoba presents a great variety of places that allow to understand the history of Spain. Close to the city hall, one can find the ruins of an ancient Roman temple of the 1st century.

But if you think that Córdoba is a city to visit Roman temples, you will be disappointed to find only the ruins of a single temple, but the cultural and architectural wealth of Córdoba is great, but for this I encourage you to go inside the walled area of the city through the door of the Cuiruan Street where you can see much of the wall and enjoy the crystal clear water of the pools in the area.

City of Three Cultures

Entering the walled area and wandering through narrow cobblestone streets, one finds in a few meters the great cultural richness of the city in which three great cultures coexisted for some centuries, such as the Sephardi, the Arabs and the Christians. For this reason, Córdoba is one of those Spanish cities that is known as the city of the three cultures.

Great Mosque of Córdoba

The main reason for wanting to revisit the city of Córdoba is to be able to return to visit the great mosque of Córdoba.

Entering through one of its doors and enjoying the courtyard of orange trees with the murmur of the fountains inside was already a great moment.

But entering this temple of Muslim origin, but which is now a Christian cathedral, was an unforgettable experience to see the good work of the Muslim engineers of the time to build a unique temple with great perfection.

In some places of the temple, I could see how the engravings with Christian motifs intermingled with the arches of Muslim origin.

And I could also see in many rooms large gold relics in the form of crucifixes and other ornaments that, as on other occasions when I visit cathedrals, I think of the number of mouths that could be fed with the sale of these objects.

But my regrets were momentarily put aside when I arrived at the area where the Christian religious services are currently held, with a large wooden box, high ceilings and very well ornamented.

Near the Mosque

In the vicinity of the mosque, one can walk through its crowded streets at almost any time of the day.

But one place that I loved to walk around was the Roman bridge, where its arches are reflected by the waters of the Guadalquivir river.

With a small tower at the end of the bridge, which is the Torre de Calahorra.

All a defensive tower in ancient times and now houses the museum of Al-Andalus where elements of the three cultures (Jewish, Arab and Christian) are exposed.

And that in the month of January, when I visited Córdoba for the first time, is celebrated a great medieval fair with the streets near the Tower decorated for the occasion.

Alcázar of the Christian Kings

One of the mandatory stops that I impose on myself every time I can go to Córdoba is to visit the Alcázar of the Christian Kings.

In this complex we can enjoy incredible mosaics of Roman origin found in the archaeological excavations of the place.

But best of all is to walk through its gardens, which, despite the visit in the middle of winter, already showed some beautifully colored flowers.

And since we can also climb to the top of the various towers of the fortress, we can enjoy the beautiful views of the city, including an equestrian center next door that I could never go because of its high demand, as there are dancing shows with horses. It must be quite an experience.

Cordoban Courtyards

But if you visit the city in the spring, as I was able to do, also on one occasion you should not hesitate to look near the Alcázar of the Christian kings the neighborhood of the patios Cordobeses where you will see a great colorful display of flowers.

In the month of May, the different patios compete for a substantial prize among the neighbors to see which of the patios is better cared for and decorated.

In some of them we can find old wells or ornaments worthy of the best museums.

Undoubtedly a sensory experience, especially if you are not allergic.

Without a doubt, I am looking forward to returning to this southern Spanish city.


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Photos taken with my Sony Alpha 6000L camera.

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