The town I say is mine, is not mine, I just live in it. I don't think any of us owns a town, because if we did I don't think we would be writing here, we would be living in another dimension, not this one of us, of ordinary people.
So, my town is the town I live in just as you can call the town you live in, your town...
My town is called Bucharest, it's the capital of Romania and because I have lived here all my life, I think I must make it known to all those interested in seeing more distant places, about which they don't know much and where they probably will never travel... or maybe they will, so it's good to get some information.
Today I'll talk about one of the town's most important monuments, the Arc of Triumph!
One of the town's major boulevards is called Kiseleff, it is located in the north and reaches the square where is located the Arc of Triumph. It is the green area of the city, in the past the inhabitants called it "by the road" because it was a favorite place to walk.
The Arc of Triumph is a monument commemorating Romania's participation in the First World War, in which many of the world's countries participated. Then followed a second world war, which we hoped would be the last, and now, unfortunately, there is talk about the possibility of a third... Nobody wants to learn from history and past mistakes!
A recent walk on the Kiseleff road brought me close to this monument and I stopped to take pictures. They were on the run because a big rain was approaching us.
The Arc of Triumph was built in 1921-1922 and has been restored several times since then, the last time in 2014, when it was restored to its original appearance, because after the imposition of communism by the Russians in Romania, this monument was vandalized and the images and references to royalty were removed.
The monument was realized in 1922 because of the context of the coronation of King Ferdinand and Queen Maria as sovereigns of Greater Romania, Romania Mare was a result of the First World War, when it received Romanian territories previously in other countries and empires.
Romania was a country that followed the French model during its modernization. Most of the buildings in Bucharest follow the architecture of Paris, which is why the city was called "Little Paris" during the interwar period.
The architecture of the Arc of Triumph in Bucharest is inspired and, perhaps, copied from the architecture of the great Arc of Triumph in Paris.
The Arc of Triumph is 27 meters high, through the two supporting pillars there are stairs leading to a museum and to the upper terrace, so it is a monument that can be visited.
Cars are forbidden to drive under the arch and only on Romania's national day can the military parade pass through.
As I said, this monument is located in the green area of the town, that is, in the place where there is the most vegetation.
This is the entrance to the largest park, Herastrau Park.
Bucharest, my town, is enigmatic and... mutilated.
It is more than 500 years old and each historical stage has left deep traces in its conformation. Until the eighteenth century, it was more a big village than a town, with Byzantine influences, after that, it started modernizing with Western influences, becoming in the interwar period one of the most interesting towns in Europe.
During the communist period the greatest destruction was done, much greater than the destruction after the war. Many buildings, churches, and monuments from before 1945 were demolished leaving many gaps on the town map.
The current image of the town is made up of old buildings, some renovated and others still in disrepair, new and modern buildings, beautiful parks, and streets choked with cars. Fortunately, there is a desire and even permanent action for improvement and the town being more and more sought after by tourists.
I am confused, in general, but also in the way I see this town.
I like it and also dislike it.
I think I like the town more and the people less, both those who populate it and those who have to take care of it.
I think that's why I will post about Bucharest, maybe you will let me know what you think!