Last photos from our Kings Park Walk.jpg

Ah... the last of our photos from our King's Park walk when we last visited Perth. It was the first proper time for our youngest child, and it was a nice return for our oldest and the two of us. It had been about 10 years since we had visited here...

... and Perth is such a lovely place, my kids still talk about wanting to visit again. Pity it is so far away from the rest of Australia... although, I suspect that that has a lot to do with the charm of the place!

On this particular day, our kids didn't really want to walk around... but I have such fond memories of coming here as a kid... and playing on the slopes and rolling down the hills with family friends... watching my brother fall in the water, and then racing little boats down the streams... most of these things are now forbidden sadly.

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There is just something so vibrant about the summer light in Perth...

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... along with that amazingly clear blue sky!

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The War Memorial... a beautiful place overlooking the city, and the venue for the yearly commemorations.

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Looking out to the southern side of Perth, on the opposite side of the Swan River. It has developed quite a lot since I was a kid!

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This gazebo has seen its fair share of wedding photos! It was the only respite from the hot sun on this day...

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I don't know what tree this is... but I really liked the fuzziness of the leaves, I have to figure out if it will grow where we live. Perhaps it would be too cold though...

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Banksias... we have to get a few of these as well.

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Always quite amazed by the amount of natural knowledge that the indigenous people had! Quite a treasure trove of survival knowledge in what was quite a deadly land to settler Europeans.

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The Skybridge is new... and it really is a nice way to traverse amongst the canopy of the trees!

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Honestly, no idea why this photo is here... from vague memory, there was a bird or something making a racket up there...

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Yep... this bridge does go crazily high... and it is on the edge of a rise as well, making it seem even higher!

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The Old Swan Brewery... I remember that being a huge native title claim or some sort of court case when it was being proposed to be redeveloped... but I was a kid then, and didn't really know what was going on... other than it appearing on the news quite often.

Last photos from our Kings Park Walk.jpg

Last photos from our Kings Park Walk.jpg

Last photos from our Kings Park Walk.jpg

Last photos from our Kings Park Walk.jpg

Last photos from our Kings Park Walk.jpg

Last photos from our Kings Park Walk.jpg