A little pit stop for a late lunch on a very hot summer's day in the Jervis Bay region... the kids and my wife had been in the water swimming a beaches up, and then we had a bit of a walk through the beachside trails, which had us end up at the much busier and touristy Hyams Beach.
The kids really wanted to jump into the water again... but my wife and I wanted a little bit to eat and to shelter away from the harsh Australian summer sun.. Plus, this was definitely more of a tourist beach and it was packed... Bleah!
So, we kept walking until we found a little place to eat at... weirdly enough, there weren't lots and lots of places to eat on this beach, strange, given the amount of people... or maybe it was just a little bit further down the sand?
But we were definitely needing some shade and a bit of something to drink... and so we stopped in....
Definitely a beach vibe on the inside and it isn't that big... they had the fans running as fast as possible, but that didn't help with the hot air venting in from the tin roof next door... so, it was still quite warm inside... but at least it was in the shade!
The Menu
Lots and lots of interesting sounding food choices... definitely a bit inspired by a more cosmopolitan metro palette... it all sounded great, but we didn't want to eat too much as it was quite hot, and we still had to walk an hour or so back to the other beach where we had left the car!
... cocktails... tempting!
The Food
So, just a simple fish and chips to share between the four of us... more than enough! And I have to say, this was some of the best fish and chips that I've tasted for quite some time! Perhaps it was the heat and hunger... or maybe it was really that good!
My wife was still determined to order a coffee... so a decent flat white, but I still have no idea why she didn't order something cooler!
A chocolate milkshake for my young one... so cool and refreshing, but a touch on the sweet side!
... and a mango smoothie for my oldest! Nicely thick and tasty... this was perhaps the better choice in comparison to the milkshake!
... and for me, an iced coffee. Altogether too much cream... but my kids always polish all of that off... bleah! But I always get iced coffee for the ice cream that goes in!
The Experience
Not too busy, and the food and drinks were great... a pity that the place was a bit on the warm/hot side even with the fans going... but it definitely had that older beach feel... the stuff that we had when we were younger, and not the air-conditioned places that we are now used to!
Opening Times
Monday 8 am–4 pm
Tuesday 8 am–4 pm
Wednesday 8 am–4 pm
Thursday 8 am–4 pm
Friday 8 am–4 pm
Saturday 8 am–4 pm
Sunday 8 am–4 pm
Contact Details
Address: 76 Cyrus St, Hyams Beach NSW 2540
Phone: (02) 4443 3874
Website: https://cookedgoose.com.au/