This week's POB photo challenge theme by @friendlymoose is WATER. You can see the Rules here

Greetings friends.
I love water, I love rivers and lakes. I probably love the sea too, but the nearest sea to me is 1400 km away.
Every year at the end of summer, I try to visit my son in the Arkhangelsk region. It is more than 1200 km one way from my house.
This year I also visited my son at the end of May. I took my granddaughter to my home, and by September 1, I took her back to the North.
Every time I come, my son and I try to go fishing on Lake Bolotnoye.
Our main goal is to catch perch, but sometimes pike.

From the name of the lake, it can be understood that the lake is located in the center of the swamp. To get to it, we need to walk about 3 km from the highway and half the way goes through a swamp. My son usually carries a boat, I carry spinning rods and bags with lures. When my son first took me to this place in 2018, there was about knee-deep water in the swamp. This time, due to the lack of summer rains, there is almost no water in the swamp. It was very easy to walk.

We arrived at the lakes at 4 p.m. Fishing did not start very well, the wind was blowing on the lake, there were waves, and my son, as always, did not take a boat anchor with him. The wind died down just before sunset when we had to finish fishing.

In fact, the fishing still started very well. We sailed to a good place where we caught large perch on the last fishing trip. Literally on the third casting, I caught a good bass weighing about 600 grams. On the second casting, I caught another such perch. But we couldn't fix the boat in one place because of the wind. We started looking for a place where we could stand quietly in one place, but we couldn't find the right location where we could catch large perches. We returned the caught fish weighing less than 400 grams back into the water.

Time goes faster during fishing than it usually does. The sun has already reached the horizon, and we still need to swim to the shore, pack a boat, and walk about 45 minutes to the car.
There is still a fisherman and 2 hunters on the lake. But we didn't have such an opportunity, my son had to go to work in the morning.

When we were walking back, my son said that there was more water in the swamp, it was harder to walk. It seemed that way to me too. But if you compare this hike with previous walks through this swamp, then it was very comfortable to walk.
I hope that I will be able to visit this lake again next year.


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