This is a post to go with #WednesdayWalk challenge by @tattoodjay.

Today my walk took place not through meadows and woods but city streets. You can even say that these streets are located in the old part of the city. Tonight didn't go according to my usual plan. I needed to be in the part of the city where I visit once or twice a year. After that, I stopped for dinner at a restaurant that I hadn't been able to visit since last fall, but I wanted to do it.
After dinner, I decided to take a walk.
I wanted to look at this ravine. 10 years ago, I saw plans to improve this ravine and thought that work had been underway for a long time. It turned out that they even removed banners with beautiful drawings of the future landscaped ravine. It's a pity.

Further, a ravine continues across the road, but here in the middle of the last century a stadium was built and was called "Labor Reserves".
In 1968, a disaster occurred here, an explosion and a fire occurred, in which many people died. Some kind of sporting event was taking place at this stadium and for some reason the pyrotechnics prepared for the fireworks caught fire. For many years, bushes and trees grew instead of the stadium, but around 2019 I noticed that preparations were underway to restore the stadium. And now I see that the football field and the running track have been restored. It's even encouraging.

I decided to show these girls just so that you, friends, understand that it's cold again, but it should be hot! By the way, I walk around in a short-sleeved shirt and it seems to me that people looked at me with surprise.
In 2017, on December 24, I left the restaurant in a polo shirt, I was hot, although the temperature was about 0 outside. Dark-skinned guys looked at me with big surprised eyes. They were cold. They didn't know that I easily tolerate low temperatures, but I don't like the heat. Yesterday the thermometer showed +9.

Look, friends, there is scaffolding in the background. We can say that the whole city is furnished with this scaffolding, or rather houses. But only at home in the central part of the city. This year is our city's anniversary year. The 650th anniversary of the city is planned to be celebrated on September 22. And by this day, the city should be transformed. The federal government has given money to the city.

At first, I thought that archaeologists were conducting some kind of historical excavations in this old part of the city, but it turned out that this was a construction pit and someone somehow got the land to build a house.

Friends, I hope you enjoyed taking a walk with me. I actually took a lot of photos, but when writing the article I brushed them off.

Friends, goodbye! Until the next walk.


Well. I wish all my friends, observers, and readers wonderful walks on Wednesdays. And also on Sundays and any other day!


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Good luck and have fun
