Last week, I started about the Khoo Kongsi, on the detailed and exquisite craftsmanship of the wood and stone work, here, 'Into the details of Khoo Kongsi, Penang', but only managed to cover the exterior.

The Khoo Kongsi stands out as one of the most prominent clan houses outside of China due to the ornate and rich detailed work, on its exterior as well as the interior of its temple, the Leong San Tong Khoo Kongsi (literally meaning Dragon Mountain Hall of the Khoo Association)

I promised the interior and some of the outer buildings in another post, so here today, I shall complete my pictorial story... proving that the Khoo Kongsi is definitely a must-visit when in Penang!

The Khoo Kongsi

A number of buildings line the narrow lane from the Cannon Street entrance that leads to the Khoo Kongsi. Among them are rows of beautifully refurbished two-storey houses known as the Clans Kongsi of Georgetown, that have now been converted to boutique residences, for those who want to experience living in old-world charm but with today's luxuries

They look rather modest from outside,
but don't underestimate the inside...

Clans Kongsi of Georgetown

Things were looking rather quiet when I was there...

I love the 'weathered' wood shutters here!
Complemented by the green porcelain perforated tiles...

Simple majesty

Restored little 'details' like these caught my eye...

Filial piety
Ancestral worship ~ an important part of the Chinese culture
Here, ancestral tablets are kept in one of the administration buildings

The ancestral tablets are quite visible here
They are arranged according to the person's hierarchy

After walking past the outer buildings, one arrives at the courtyard, Cannon Square... and the first sight of the Khoo Kongsi temple!

Directly opposite, facing the temple is the opera stage, not lacking in fine woodwork and lots of filigree detailing outlined with gold paint

The main prayer hall altar
Gold gleams from within the darkened prayer hall...
What a feast for your eyes!

Fine wood carving, embroidered satins with gold tassels

The altar table with its fine metalwork

I'm always looking up...
The ceilings here are impressive!
More of the trusses and eaves, fully decorated with painted scenes

The detailing continues...
Crossbeams and pillars are not left out

Delicate sketch-like murals of celestial guardians on either side of the prayer hall

Two sets each of these tables and chairs (rosewood?) with in-laid mother-of-pearl, on both sides of the hall

And the doors...

Stone carvings of birds...
on wall borders

Some of the stone carved pieces tell a story
or depicts a scene from an olden day tale...

And finally when I took leave of the place, I turned around for one last look...

Only this photo was captured with OLYMPUS FE4030

We didn't stay or return at night...
Khoo Kongsi in lights is also a sight to behold
This was a photo I took from one of my last visits, in 2012
Just to give you an idea of the temple highlighted in lights

Captured with SONY A5100 | © image & text original content | click image for fullscreen view

My recent visit to Penang was an eye-opener as well as a re-visiting of familiar places. Previous posts on my visit:
1 - 'A many faceted Pearl' ~ Introduction post
2 - 'Caturday is alive and well in Penang!'
3 - 'It's the gold that brought me here...!!!'
4 - 'The Crossing (aka The Arrival)'
5 - ' How much is that kitty in the window...? '
6 - 'Clan jetties at dusk' ~ a monochrome introduction
7 - 'Out on the jetties...'
8 - 'Into the details of Khoo Kongsi, Penang'

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