I last wrote about Ipoh some five to six months ago, on its food (which was chiefly kinda why we travelled there) and some sights we covered there. Since I have tons more shots, I meant to show more, post more about it, but alas, the break - it's been a long awhile.... 

Here are more impressions of Ipoh, a loose continuation after these last posts:

The place they call 'Kellie's Castle'... 

Yes! Malaysians travel for food... 😋

Up close... at Kellie's place... 🏰

Ipoh, finally...

And then there was MORE food!

The Eiffel Tower? In Ipoh, Perak... MALAYSIA??
The Eiffel Tower? In Ipoh, Perak... MALAYSIA??

Stepping out of Kong Heng Square, I look up and see this vertical signboard - did I suddenly step onto a Parisian street? Ohhh, it's just a Patisserie 'Boutique'... and that's the front below...

Very arty farty, avant-garde whatever... This was during the covid time, with temperature scans, limited capacity and limited dining duration - just 2 hrs here... Seats outside, if you had to wait
Very arty farty, avant-garde whatever... This was during the covid time, with temperature scans, limited capacity and limited dining duration - just 2 hrs here... Seats outside, if you had to wait
I liked the ’screen’ created with vertical greenery...
I liked the 'screen' created with vertical greenery...

And across, I caught a shop with an interesting signboard

An ’in’ thing... Vape shops! Right across the Parisian diner
An 'in' thing... Vape shops! Right across the Parisian diner
Another interesting one...
Another interesting one...

And since we are looking at signboards and shop frontages... (there'll be more further down this post)

Found this as I parked the car... side wall of a bar/cafe; you can sit your beer down while you join these gentlemen for a chat... 😊
Found this as I parked the car... side wall of a bar/cafe; you can sit your beer down while you join these gentlemen for a chat... 😊
Another marker... Caught me getting a shot with my phone. We are still within the Ipoh Heritage Trail...
Another marker... Caught me getting a shot with my phone. We are still within the Ipoh Heritage Trail... 

Somewhere within the area, I came across this shop selling dried, salted, fermented seafood and stuff... We were waiting for a table at a coffee shop, and this was just next door! So what else, but to walk over and have a look see... Pay close attention - or you might not actually see what's on display here

Shark! 😳 That woman doesn’t seem too worried, or... she hadn’t realised Jaws was just above her...
Shark! 😳 That woman doesn't seem too worried, or... she hadn't realised Jaws was just above her...
There were more... shark, turtles and other sea creatures. Do not ask! I do not know how they are selling these publicly. Maybe they are just displays, some old ancient samples, as I believe these are outlawed by now?
There were more... shark, turtles and other sea creatures. Do not ask! I do not know how they are selling these publicly. Maybe they are just displays, some old ancient samples, as I believe these are outlawed by now?
More of the exotic... These were being sold, with prices by weight quoted
More of the exotic... These were being sold, with prices by weight quoted

Below, and the not so exotic....

Rose buds! Dried, for a rose tea, perhaps?
Rose buds! Dried, for a rose tea, perhaps?

Ipoh has quite a number of these colonial, pre-war shop house buildings with some handsome architecture. We didn't manage to visit all those listed, but a couple that we came across...

1905... Quite well preserved and maintained
1905... Quite well preserved and maintained
Many banks have taken over these, in a number of cities, not just in Ipoh...
Many banks have taken over these, in a number of cities, not just in Ipoh...

We made it back to our apartment just before the rains came down. And were met with some pretty scenes of the hills all around us. The well known hills surrounding Ipoh. Many are of the main range of peninsular Malaysia.

View from the balcony - Layers... of hills, and mountains, of varying shades... coupled with low lying clouds from the rain... all make a pretty picture!
View from the balcony - Layers... of hills, and mountains, of varying shades... coupled with low lying clouds from the rain... all make a pretty picture!
Rain closing in, from left and right... amongst the hills...
Rain closing in, from left and right... amongst the hills...
Dawn, the next morning! Good morning, all! More hills and mountains, mists and clouds.... lying low at the foothills. Until the sun heats up the land and the mists flee...
Dawn, the next morning! Good morning, all! More hills and mountains, mists and clouds....  lying low at the foothills. Until the sun heats up the land and the mists flee...
Concubine Lane! Always heard about it, so I am here now...
Concubine Lane! Always heard about it, so I am here now...

Supposedly where rich men kept their concubines, the area also housed gambling dens and opium houses... Sleazy, huh?! 😉

A mural in honour of the name of the street! Wow!
A mural in honour of the name of the street! Wow!
This is what it is today... - a little lane with little cafes, souvenir shops, etc
This is what it is today... - a little lane with little cafes, souvenir shops, etc
Seeing double? Double spiral stairs caught my eye...
Seeing double? Double spiral stairs caught my eye...
Look what I found...
Look what I found...
Chickens all in a row... A little explanation here is needed ~ the chicken bowl is an institution here and noodles are commonly served in them. Here, the artist seems to have animated the chicken bowl, with the chickens (and family!) taking a walk, off the actual bowl
Chickens all in a row... A little explanation here is needed ~ the chicken bowl is an institution here and noodles are commonly served in them. Here, the artist seems to have animated the chicken bowl, with the chickens (and family!) taking a walk, off the actual bowl

The Concubine Lane has lots of greenery - hanging plants, vines, potted greens, making it seemingly cooler and a lil shadier for walking around.

Unfortunately, not having budgeted enough time here, we kinda rushed through the lane... I just managed to catch some shots and moved on. This one needs more checking out and exploring - next trip!

Some of the façades of the shop houses along Concubine Lane - lots of character! And colour!!

Am going to take a break here as this is getting too long already.... and come back soon with the rest of our exploring of Ipoh.

Next, combing the cave temples... soon (I hope promise!) 😄😏